Busy busy busy

What a week, and it's only Thursday afternoon.  There is some very exciting stuff going on in the Stoddard house. First of all I'm happy to report that our 2nd grader made the Honor Roll for his very first report card of the school year. This is an awesome development. We've always known our boy was crazy smart, but he's also "gifted" with ADHD and doesn't adjust well to change, so back to school is usually a tough transition. That he has done this well is fantastic.

I have been hard at work getting the website off and running, but have also been working on the third of my short stories about the Manney-French love affair.  Formatting "The White House" for ebook release and making a cover for it. I'm still working on the cover as I'm not 100% sold on the font. Still, I would love to have that out in the next week or two.

Also, I'm lining up a gig as an ebook reviewer at Read All Over Reviews. Pretty excited about this. I'm always excited to interact with other avid readers. As a result, I'm also adding a blogroll to the bar on the right linking there and some other places that I find helpful.

I promise a more in depth post when there is more to say, but things are moving.