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Suggested Discussion Questions
What is your impression of Sarah?
How has Sarah's past shaped her life?
What do you think of James Stuart?
Do you think that Sarah's relationship with Jon would have survived without Dermot's intervention?
Do you think that Sarah and Amy can repair their relationship?
What do you think drives Sarah? Why has she chosen to become a folklorist?
What do you think is driving Dermot?
Was there a particular event that surprised you?
Did you find the flashbacks helped the story or made it disjointed?
What do you think are the main themes of the book?
Which part of the story resonated with you the most?
What do you think are the main themes of the book?
Which part of the story resonated with you the most?
What do you think Sarah's next move should be?
Would you read more books from the series?
Did you learn anything from this book? If so, what?