Because life sometimes

Because life sometimes

October is my favorite month because every year it seems to be busy with some of my favorite things; Celtic festivals, writer's conferences, birthdays and visiting friends. Plus leaves start turning, weather gets cooler and everything is great. This October however was NOT what I had hoped for.

Like a crazy person, I thought I had a chance of finishing a draft for Cauldron in October. I don't think there is that much left to write, and I was (and still am) looking forward to exorcising this particular plot from my brain. Unfortunately, this October it seemed that life was conspiring to thwart me.

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Just getting to work

Just getting to work

Imagine that you are late for work. As usually happens when you're running late, you catch every stoplight between home and your office. There's construction blocking a lane of traffic on one road and a fender bender on another. Then, just as you near the office, you get pulled over because your state inspection sticker expired YESTERDAY. That feeling you have when this happens, that choking frustration that tightens your shoulders and makes you want to scream? That's pretty much the feeling that moms who write fiction feel toward the end of every summer.

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10 things I will NOT do when the kids go back to school

10 things I will NOT do when the kids go back to school

The kids are going back to school and that means that I can get back to a working schedule that I can be happy with. Make no mistake, I adore my children, but as an introvert with a sometimes pathological work ethic, being surrounded by chatty kids and prevented from working can be a bit crazy-making.

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"You're taking over our country..."

"You're taking over our country..."

Those were the words of the man who sat through a Bible study class at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston SC and calmly waited before gunning down nine of the people that he'd just spent the last hour with. They welcomed him, without knowing him, without a reference, without questioning his right to be there, and he killed them for it.

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