Cover Reveal! Nothing Good Gets Away

Conventional wisdom says that indie writers should NOT design their own covers. I understand that, but way back when I first published The River Maiden, I hired a cover designer. She did a fine job, but it still didn’t quite capture what I wanted and (the is key) it didn’t look great in thumbnail size. It’s a delicate balance of looking good in paperback size, but also being eye catching in thumbnail. Then I got hooked on Canva and designed a cover for Cauldron that I really liked. So, I went back and redesigned the cover for The River Maiden and haven’t looked back.

I mocked up several designs for the next three books. I like to design the covers in groups so that the related books look similar. This book, and the next two after it will follow a similar motif. They are different from the first trilogy in the series, but similar enough to show that they are part of the same larger series. The Once & Future series will include three trilogies. The first is all about Sarah learning about who she is and where she comes from. The next will be about Sarah coming to terms with what she has learned and preparing for her role as the “mother of the king”. That thematic change will reflect in the covers for the next three books. Starting of course with this one.

Book 4.3 (1).jpg

I’m really excited about what I’ve come up with. I hope you all will be as excited by this cover as I am, and the covers to come for the next two books.